Introductory Reading
Christianity is not about knowing a lot of things. It is about deeply knowing the one true God in order that your whole person may be conformed into His image.
Basic Christianity John Stott
Bible Overview Steve Levy
Christian Beliefs Wayne Grudem
Christian Life Sinclair Ferguson
God's Big Picture Vaughan Roberts
Truth for All Time John Calvin
Intermediate Reading
Grow deeper in the knowledge of God by studying how the Gospel trains us in every area of life.
Attributes of God Arthur Pink
Church History in Plain Language Bruce Shelly
Desiring God John Piper
Finally Alive John Piper
Holiness of God R. C. Sproul
In Christ Alone Sinclair Ferguson
Just Do Something Kevin DeYoung
Knowing God J. I. Packer
Knowing Scripture R. C. Sproul
Living the Cross Centered Life C. J. Mahaney
Prayer and the Knowledge of God Graeme Goldsworthy
Putting Amazing Back Into Grace Michael Horton
Redemption Accomplished & Applied John Murray
Seeing with New Eyes David Powlison
Today's Gospel Walter Chantry
Whatever Happened to the Gospel...? J. M. Boice
When Grace Comes Home Terry L. Johnson
Advanced Reading
Some things God has revealed about himself are difficult to understand. Careful study of these works will be greatly rewarding.
Chosen for Life Sam Storms
Christless Christianity Michael Horton
Courage to be Protestant David Wells
Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God D. A. Carson
Doctrine of the Knowledge of God John Frame
Systematic Theology Wayne Grudem
Westminster Confession & Heidelberg Catechism
Following Christ's example, believers have always labored to bless the generations which would come after them. These are some of the finest fruits of that labor.
Following Christ's example, believers have always labored to bless the generations which would come after them. These are some of the finest fruits of that labor.
Body of Divinity Thomas Watson
Bondage of the Will Martin Luther
Bruised Reed Richard Sibbes
Christian in Complete Armor William Gurnall
Confessions St. Augustine
Crook in the Lot Thomas Boston
Freedom of the Will Jonathan Edwards
Institutes of the Christian Religion John Calvin
Mortification of Sin John Owen
Religious Affections Jonathan Edwards
Children's Books
Strengthen the young minds under your care early with gospel-centered resources.
Big Truths for Little Kids Susan & Richie Hunt
Jesus Storybook Bible Sally Lloyd-Jones
Training Hearts, Teaching Minds Starr Meade
Not a secondary matter, sharing the good news is a necessary part of believing the good news.
Always Ready Greg Bahnsen
Evangelism & The Sovereignty of God J. I. Packer
Gospel and Personal Evangelism Mark Dever
Let the Nations Be Glad John Piper
Reason for God Tim Keller
Tell the Truth Will Metzger
Study Bibles
Like having a scholar read the Bible with you, study Bibles provide insightful notes and clarifying articles along the way.
ESV Study Bibles Crossway
NIV Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible Zondervan
Reformation Study Bible (ESV) P & R
Reference Works
Easy to find answers to all your Bible-related questions. These reference tools put historical and literal-grammatical details at your fingertips and make topical studies a breeze.